Better git log

First of all if you don’t have set utf-8 in bash (test with locale command or just try to type utf-8 characters in cli) you need to add export LANG=C.UTF-8 to your ~/.bashrc file:

echo 'export LANG=C.UTF-8' >> ~/.bashrc

Next you can format your command. We will show only commits on master branch with no merges:

git log master --pretty=format:"%C(blue)%cd %C(green)%cn %C(blue)%s %C(yellow)%h" -n10 --no-merges --date=short"

And optionally set alias in your ~/.bashrc:

echo 'alias gl="git log master --pretty=format:\"%C(blue)%cd %C(green)%cn %C(blue)%s %C(yellow)%h\" -n10 --no-merges --date=short"' >> ~/.bashrc

Finally restart bash instance.

Now you can use command gl.